Rest, Recover and Get Ready

Hi Everyone –
While we await the final results in contested seats across California, it’s fair to say the outcome of the race for the White House is far from what we hoped for.
As a result, many of us are feeling the pain and sadness of a tough loss. Yet, we are also filled with deep pride in the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz. Together, they and their team mounted an extraordinary campaign in the face of an unprecedented timeline and historic political headwinds. We are forever grateful for their service to our Nation and our Party.
As Vice President Harris says, “We believe in the promise of America.” Like you, I am prepared to fight to ensure that promise is alive and well for all Americans for generations to come. Simply put, so many are counting on us in this challenging moment in our Nation’s history. We must not let them down.
In the coming weeks and months, we will reflect on and reckon with the will of the American People – and what it means for our Nation and our Party. As California Democrats, we will continue to be an important voice and leader in that conversation.
We must remember that California remains the world’s fifth largest economy and 12 percent of the American population resides here. California Democrats continue to build upon strong majorities in the State Legislature, enshrine fundamental rights in the California Constitution and make significant investments in the future of our communities and our planet. I know that we will continue to be a beacon of hope to the rest of the Nation even in the darkest of times ahead.
We’ve always known the road to retaking the House of Representatives ran through California. Today that reality is truer than ever before. With tens of thousands of votes left to count, several battleground congressional seats in California are too close to call and the balance of power in the House is likely to rest on the outcome of these contests.
To every volunteer who knocked, called, texted, or gave, we are here because of you and your hard work. Thank you for all you’ve done and all you will do to recover and rebuild what has been lost.
In the coming days and weeks, we will continue to keep you updated with the latest results and what else may be required to win. Until then, get some well-deserved rest and get ready to get back into the fight. Because it will take all of us to protect all we hold dear and preserve the Democracy we love so much. And I know California Democrats will continue to lead the way!
Democratically Yours,